Mental Illness and Aging: A Brief Overview

Hours: 1.25
Course Number: 0049
Course Date: 06/13/2012

Mental Illness and Aging: A Brief Overview is a 1 hour continuing education course that provides information on the most common types of psychological and emotional disorders that can develop with advanced aging. The course lists factors that can cause or contribute to mental health. It reviews warning signs of mental illnesses later in life. The course lists major forms of mental illnesses that affect the elderly and review treatments for mental illness later in life.


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The purpose of this course is to provide information on mental illnesses that are commonly associated with the aging process.

Learning Objectives

  1. List factors that can cause or contribute to mental health
  2. Review warning signs for mental disorders in later life
  3. List major forms of mental illness that affects seniors
  4. Review treatments for mental illness in later life

Criteria for Successful Completion

To receive continuing education credit for this program, you must complete the entire course, including registration, viewing the video program, taking the post-test and obtaining a score of at least 70% or better, and completing the program evaluation. If you do not score a 70% or better, you may take the exam again as many times as necessary to receive a passing score. When a score of 70% or better is achieved, you will be able to move forward to the evaluation and receive your certificate online.


Personal Care Home Administrators

1.25 HOURS
This educational offering has been reviewed by the National Continuing Education Review Services (NCERS) of the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) and approved for 1.25 clock hours. Approval number: 20260123-1.25-A109594-DL

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